Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Since No One Has Shown Me The Ropes, This Ship May Sink.

It was brought to my attention in a conversation earlier this week that I have a lot to say. It also is a fairly widely known fact that I love music (having once been described as an amalgamation of Annie Mac and Zane Lowe. My accent isn't half as interesting though).

I thought it might be interesting to start a blog where I can, in some way, combine these two facts. So here it is, a piddly little blog where I will probably end up ranting about the state of affairs in the industry, have a rave about any new bands or tunes that I stumble across or simply give my thoughts on something (I won't say 'review' - I am by no means any kind of reviewer, much as I would love to be. I just like writing, ask my old English teacher from school).

So this is my initial post. I am well aware that the theme and the name of the thing needs a helluva  lot of work; perhaps when I'm struck with inspiration I'll pop on and have a faff. I think this'll probably do for now though.

It'd mean a lot if you could be encouraging, by the way! No slating because I think we all know that doesn't really help anyone. And remember - opinions are like ass holes; we've all got one. Just because I say something that you might not necessarily agree with doesn't mean I'm wrong. We all have our likes and dislikes. That said, I do like a nice bit of variety and will give everything a listen so hopefully there'll be something for everyone here!